Education and working experience
05/2019- today
CEO at Sciencemonastery AS, Trondheim, Norway.
2015 – 04/2019
Postdoc, NTNU, Department for Civil and Environmental Engineering (67 % position). I worked in the Hydraulic Engineering Group for interdisciplinary research projects related to the sustainable governance of river basins with hydro power production and to the development of the freshwater part of the Norwegian nature classification system (Natur i Norge).
2010 – 08/2019
Research Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research.
Project leader and/or member of the project team in the Water Resources Research Group, with focus on multidisciplinary research related to environmental flows, river hydraulics/morphology, wetland restoration and user interests in regulated rivers (05/2015 – 09/2019: 20 % stilling).
2007 – 2010
Teaching Assistant of the course “Water and environmental engineering” (TVM 4101) at NTNU Trondheim, Norway (25 % position)
2006 – 2010
PhD Candidate, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Trondheim, Norway. The topic of my dissertation was “Modelling of flow and levee depositions in a freshwater delta with natural vegetation” under supervision of Prof. Nils Reidar Olsen (NTNU). I investigated the flow and sediment deposition processes in the delta of Lake Øyeren (near Oslo, Norway) and highlighted the important role of vegetation for the numerical modelling of sediment processes. I defended my doctoral thesis in September 2011.
2003 – 2006
Hydrologist with the Saxon Water Measurement Agency (Betriebsgesellschaft für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft, Messnetzbetrieb Wasser), Chemnitz, Germany. My responsibility included statistics, quality management and GIS applications for hydrologic measurement stations in Saxony (Germany), as well as discharge measurements in rivers and planning / maintenance of gauges.
1999 – 2003
Project Manager for the Wetland Restoration Program of the Zweckverband Naturpark “Erzgebirge/Vogtland”, Schlettau, Germany. I was responsible for the mire and wetland restoration program. The project included a survey and assessment of the actual status of mires and peat bogs in the mountain regions of Saxony, hydrologic studies and the planning of restoration measures in selected mires.
1998 – 2006
Freelance activities: small projects on habitat mapping, monitoring of wetland hydrology, and planning of wetland restoration measures in Saxony (Germany).
1995 – 1998
Consultant with the Umweltbüro GmbH Vogtland, Dresden, Germany. Project leader or member of the project team for several groundwater modelling studies and for the preparation of flood inundation maps based on rainfall-runoff-modeling and hydrodynamic modelling in Saxony (Germany).
Dipl.-Ing. Water Resources Management, Technical University of Dresden, Germany. I did a specialisation in Geohydraulics with focus on groundwater flow in wetlands. The topic of my diploma thesis in 1995 was “Hydraulische Durchlässigkeit von Torf” (Hydraulic Conductivity of Peat).
Selected Publications
Noss, C., Koca, K., Zinke, P., Henry, P.-Y., Navaratnam, C.U., Aberle, J., Lorke, A. (2019): A Lagrangian drifter for surveys of water surface roughness in streams. J. Hydraul. Res., DOI 10.1080/00221686.2019.1623930, 18p.
Zinke, P., Sandvik, D., Nesheim, I., Seifert-Dähnn, I. (2018): Comparing three approaches to estimating optimal whitewater kayak flows in Western Norway. Water, 10, 1761; DOI: 10.3390/w10121761, 1-19.
Zinke, P. Seifert-Dähnn, I. (2018): Testing a citizen science approach for estimating white water kayak flow requirements in a regulated river catchment. Proceedings of the IAHR Europe Conference, June 2018, Trento, USA, 2p.
Zinke, P. Dervo, B. (2018): Implementation of fluvial hydraulics and structure parameters into the nature classification system “Nature in Norway”. XIX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology, June 2018, Coimbra, Portugal, 1p.
Zinke, P., Lindholm, M., Dervo, B., Gosselin, M.-P., Harby, A., Kile, M. R., Kling, J., Sundt, H. (2018): Kartlegging av hydromorfologi i norske elver – erfaringer med ulike metoder i Surna og Gudbrandsdalslågen. Vann 02/2018, 168-179.
Villa, P., Pinardi, M., Bolpagni, R., Gillier, J.-M., Zinke, P., Nedelcut, F., Bresciani, M. (2018): Assessing macrophyte seasonal dynamics using dense time series of medium resolution satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment 216, 230-244.
Alfredsen, K., Haas, C. Tuhtan, J., Zinke, P. (2018): Brief Communication: Mapping river ice using drones and structure from motion. The Cryosphere (12), 1-7.
Onea, N., Zinke, P. Ionescu, T., Gheorge, D., Foldvik, A., Gjershaug J.O., Brückner, M., Aberle, J., Nedelcut, F. (2017): Hydrological and ecological investigations for the restoration of the ecosystem complex Fundu Mare Island. Journal of Wetlands Biodiversity (7), 131-161.
Zinke, P., Aberle, J. Nedelcut, F. (2016): Vegetation changes at “Fundu Mare Island” in the Inner Danube Delta near Brăila (Romania). Proceedings of the RiverFlow 2016 Conference, July 2016, St. Louis, USA, 8 p.
Schneider, M., Kopecki, I., Tuhtan, J., Sauterleute, J. F., Zinke, P., Bakken, T. H., Zakowski, T. M. C., Mérigoux, S. (2016): A Fuzzy Rule-based Model for the Assessment of Macrobenthic Habitats under Hydropeaking Impact. Rivers Research and Applications, http://dx.doi.org10.1002 /rra.3079
Haas, C., Zinke, P., Vollset, K. W.; Sauterleute, J. F.; Skoglund, H. (2016): Behaviour of spawning Atlantic salmon and brown trout during ramping events. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 4(1).
Zinke, P. Carnerero, C. (2014): Wetted width of Norwegian rivers – results of a pilot study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2014, Lausanne. CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.
Zinke, P. Flener, C. (2013): Experiences from the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for River Bathymetry Modelling in Norway. Vann 3/2013, 351-360.
Zinke, P. (2013): Elasticity Measurements for Selected North European Floodplain Species. Proceedings of the 35rd IAHR Congress, September 2013, Chengdu, China, A10949.
Zinke, P. Bogen, J. (2013): Effect of water level regulations on gradients and levee deposits in the Lake Øyeren delta (Norway). Hydrology Research 44(3), 523-537.
Eilertsen, R., Olsen, N. R. B., Rüther, N. Zinke, P. (2013): Channel-bed changes in distributaries of the lake Øyeren delta, southern Norway, revealed by interferometric sidescan sonar. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 93, 25-33.
Zinke, P. (2012): Application of a porous media approach for vegetation flow resistance. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (Riverflow 2012), September 2012, Costa Rica, 8p.
Zinke P., Olsen, N.R.B. Bogen, J. (2011): Three-dimensional numerical modelling of levee depositions in a Scandinavian freshwater delta. Geomorphology 129, 320-333.
Zinke, P. (2011): Modelling of Flow and Levee Depositions in a Freshwater Delta with Natural Vegetation. PhD Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Trondheim.
Zinke, P., Olsen, N.R.B., Bogen, J. Rüther, N. (2010): 3D modelling of the flow distribution in the delta of Lake Øyeren, Norway. Hydrology Research 41(2), 92-103.
Zinke, P. (2010): Flow resistance parameters for natural emergent vegetation derived from a porous media model. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2010), 8-10 September 2010, Braunschweig, Germany, 461-468.
Zinke, P., Olsen, N. R. B. Bogen, J. (2009): Numerical modelling of water and sediment flow in a delta with natural vegetation. Proceedings of the 33rd IAHR Congress, September 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 1882-1889.
Zinke, P. (2009): Hydrodynamic properties of delta vegetation in the context of 3D numerical modelling. Proceedings of the 6th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM 2009), 21-25 September 2009, Santa Fe, Argentina, 363-370.
Zinke, P., Rüther, N., Olsen, N. R. B. Eilertsen, R. (2009): 3D numerical modelling of morphodynamics in deltas due to hydropower regulation. Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen Heft 39 (Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Hydraulic Engineering, Wasserbaukolloquium 2009), 12-13 March 2009, Dresden, Germany, 237-249.
Zinke, P., Olsen, N.R.B. Sukhodolova, T. (2008): Modelling of hydraulics and morphodynamics in a vegetated river reach. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2008), 3-5 September 2008, Cesme/Izmir, Turkey, 367-376.
Zinke, P. Olsen, N.R.B. (2007): Modelling of sediment deposition in a partly vegetated open channel. Proceedings of the 32nd IAHR Congress ”Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics”, 1-6 July 2007, Venice, Italy.
Zinke, P., Edom, F. (2006): Hydraulische und hydrologische Erklärung von Ökotopstrukturen am Regenmoor Kriegswiese im mittleren Erzgebirge. Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung, Juni 2006, 43-59.
Gräbner, H., Zinke, P. (2001): Wiedervernässung im Moorgebiet Scheibenberger Heide – Situation, Probleme und praktische Erfahrungen. Naturschutzarbeit in Sachsen 43, 49-60.
Haupt, A., Zinke, P. (2000): Modellprojekt „Hühnerheide“ – Untersuchungsergebnisse und Erfahrungen bei Maβnahmen in einem entwässerten Hochmoor des Erzgebirges. In: Arten- und Biotopschutzbericht der Region Chemnitz-Erzgebirge, Staatliches Umweltfachamt Chemnitz, 79-92.
Zinke, P. (2000): Nutzungsgeschichte, Zustand und Revitalisierung der Moore im Erzgebirge. Telma 32, 267-280.
Edom, F., Zinke, P. (1999). Zur Hydrogenese einiger Moore in den NSG ” Waldmoore bei Großdittmannsdorf” und “Moorwald am Pechfluß bei Medingen”. In: Schrack, M. (Hrsg.): Tagungsband zur Fachtagung am 9.Mai 1998 im Landhaus Marsdorf, Landkreise Kamenz und Meißen. Veröffentlichungen des Museums der Westlausitz Kamenz, Sonderheft, 127-142.